If you're seeing 0 Friends and/or you can't verify social posts after you've connected your personal Facebook Profile. What typically happens is you've not allowed Tomoson to see your friends and timeline posts, so we can't update them to your profile or verify a post is yours.
Here's how to fix it
- Go to your settings page on Facebook and click on the left.
- Click Show all apps and disconnect the Tomoson app by clicking the X
- Go back to your media kit on Tomoson and click the X to disconnect your Facebook Profile.
- On your media kit click Connect Facebook Profile or Page and follow the directions again. When you get to the screen on Facebook to authorize Tomoson to connect to your account. Make sure the friend's list & timeline posts are checked or we will not be able to get your friend total or verify your social posts. If you don't see this it's typically checked by default.
If you are still having issues after doing this please contact support for more help.
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